Tuesday 28 April 2015

Jesus is our peace

Yes He is :D


S-elect your goal

U-nlock your personal potential

C-ommit yourself to your plan

C-hart your course

E-xpect problems

S-tand firm on your commitment

S-urrender everything to God

(John Maxwell)

You make me happy

JESUS makes me happy :D


- Things that advance your overall life purpose

- Things you have always wanted to do

- Things that others say can't be done

- Things that help you grow to your maximum potential

- Things that develop other people's ability to achieve and lead

- Things that multiply - rather than merely add - value to yourself and others

- Things that harness your creativity

- Things you can delegate to others

- Things that promote teamwork and synergy

- Things that are now and never opportunities

(John Maxwell)

All things are possible



Pelatih kutu telah mengamati kebiasaan yang dilakuan oleh kutu-kutu yang dilatihnya.  Ketika kutu itu pertama kali dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah buli-buli, pelatih itu mencermati kutu-kutu itu melompat keluar dari buli-buli, karena memang kutu-kutu itu mahir melompat.

Pelatih itu mulai memasang penutup yang dipasang di atas buli-buli tersebut.  Kutu-kutu itu terus berlompatan, tetapi sekarang kepala mereka terus membentur penutup buli-buli itu.  Pelatih itu terus mengamati mereka melompat dan menghantam penutup buli-buli itu, dan setelah beberapa lama rupanya kutu-kutu itu meneruskan lompatan mereka tetapi tidak lagi melompat setinggi penutup buli-buli.

Pelatih itu kemudian menanggalkan penutup dari buli-buli.  Kutu-kutu itu terus melompat, tetapi mereka tidak akan melompat keluar dari buli-buli.  Sebenarnya mereka tidak lagi melompat keluar karena mereka telah mengatur diri mereka untuk melompat hanya setinggu itu.  Dan sekali mereka membiasakan diri untuk melompat hanya setinggi itu, itulah yang dapat mereka lakukan.

Seringkali manusia juga bertindak seperti kutu-kutu tersebut.  Tuhan memberikan potenti yang luar biasa bagi setiap kehidupan kita, tetapi seringkali kita tidak mencapai potensi yang maksimal.  Hal ini bisa dikarenakan kita menyerah akan tantangan yang kita hadapi.  Atau mungkin juga oleh pikiran kita yang membatasi kemampuan kita.  Biarlah kita terus menyadari akan kemampuan kita yang sepenuhnya dan juga kuasa Tuhan yang sanggup membantu kita untuk segala potensi yang Tuhan sudah limpahkan bagi kehidupan kita.

"Bagi Dialah, yang dapat melakukan jauh lebih banyak daripada yang kita doakan atau pikirkan, seperti yang ternyata dari kuasa yang bekerja di dalam kita" (Efesus 3:20)

Saturday 18 April 2015




He worked by day
and toiled by night

He gave up play
and much delight

Dry books he read
new things to learn

And forged ahead
success to earn

He plodded on
with faith and pluck

And when he won
They call it luck

(Author Unknown)

I sought the Lord



- Opportunities and motivation are connected

Motivated see opportunities, and opportunities are often what motivate people

- Great attitudes precede great opportunities

Who you are determines what you see

- Today is the best day for an opportunity

Opportunity always takes "now" for an answer

- Opportunities are the result of pluck, not luck

The people who succeed seek out opportunities, and if they can't find them, they create them

- Opportunities don't present themselves in ideal circumstances

If you wait for all the lights to turn green, you will never leave your driveway

- Opportunities without commitment will be lost

Abandoned opportunities are never lost - they are simply pursued by the competition

- Opportunities is birthed out of problems

If you are looking for a big opportunities, find a big problem

- Opportunities either multiply or disappear

The more opportunities you pursue, the more you find behind them

- Opportunities must be nourished if they are to survive

As Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, says, "Feed an opportunity; starve a problem"

(John Maxwell)

Happiness and peace



1. Enthusiasm

2. Disillusionment

3. Panic

4. The search for the guilty

5. Punishment of the innocent

6. Praise and honor for the nonparticipants

(Source Unknown)

Tuesday 14 April 2015

God's blessings

I’m not lucky, I’m blessed :)


- Think "tomorrow"

Make today's efforts pay off tomorrow

- Free the imagination

You are capable of more than imagine - so imagine the ultimate

- Strive for lasting quality

"Good enough" never is

- Have "stick-to-it-ivity"

Never, never, never give up

- Have fun

you are never truly a success until you enjoy what you are doing

(John Maxwell)

He will bring you



Do all the good you can,

By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can,

In all the places you can,

At all the times you can,

To all the people you can,

As long as ever you can,

(John Wesley)

God is the best part of me



It is easier to settle for average than to strive for achievement

It is easier to be saturated with complacency than stirred with compassion

It is easier to be skeptical than successful

It is easier to question than conquer

It is easier to rationalize your disappointments than realize your dreams

It is easier to belch the baloney than bring home the bacon 

(Author Unknown)

Thursday 9 April 2015

God's timing



- There is no secret of success

- Success is for everyone

- Your live becomes better only when you become better

- There is no success without sacrifice

- Success is achieved in inches, not miles

- The greatest enemy of tomorrow's success is today's success

- No advice on success works unless you do

(John Maxwell)




Do more than exist: live

Do more than touch: feel

Do more than look: observe

Do more than read: absorb

Do more than hear: listen

Do more than listen: understand

Do more than think: reflect

Do more than just talk: say something

(Author Unknown)

Trust in God


Total and complete surrender to God. 


More to improve and fewer to disapprove

More doers and fewer talkers

More to say it can be done and fewer to say it is impossible

More to inspire others and fewer to throw cold water on them

More to get into the thick of things and fewer to sit on the sidelines

More to point out what is right and fewer to show what is wrong

More to light a candle and fewer to curse the darkness

(Author Unknown)

Thursday 2 April 2015

To hear God's voice



How you spend your time is much more important than how you spend your money.  Money mistakes can often be corrected, but when you lose time, it is gone forever.

Your priorities determine how you spend your time, and time is precious:

To know the value of one year...ask the student who failed the final exam

To know the value of one month...ask the mother of a premature baby

To know the value of one week...ask the editor of a weekly newsmagazine

To know the value of one day...ask the wage earner who has six children

To know the value of one hour...ask the lovers who are waiting to meet

To know the value of one minute...ask the person who missed the plane

To know the value of one second...ask the person who survived the accident

To know the value of one millisecond...ask the Olympic silver medalist.

Your time is priceless


The Lord is my strength



To let go doesn't mean to stop caring, it means I can't do it for someone else

To let go is not to cut myself off, it is the realization that I don't control another

To let to is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences

To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands

To let go is not to try to change or blame another, I can only change myself

To let go is not to care for, but to care about

To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive

To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being

To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own outcomes

To let go is not to be protective, it is to permit another to face reality

To let go is not to deny but to accept

To let go is not to nag, scold, or argue, but to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them

To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires but to take each day as it comes and to cherish the moment

To let go is not to criticize and regulate anyone but to try to become what I dream I can be

To let go is not to regret the past but to grow and live for the future

To let go is to fear less and love more


I loved you

I ASKED.....

I asked God for strength,
that I might achieve.
I was made weak, that I might learn to humbly obey...

I asked for health,
that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity,
that I might do better things,

I asked for riches,
that I might be happy.
I was given poverty,
that I might be wise...

I asked for power,
that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness,
that I might feel the need of God...

I asked for all things,
that I might enjoy life.
I was given life,
That I might enjoy all things...

I got nothing I asked for - 
but everything that I had hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayer were answered.

I am, among all,
most richly blessed!
