Wednesday 10 February 2016

Be you


- When I begin to act as if genuine joy is dependent on the state of the circumstances surrounding me

- When I am begin to lose the distinct aroma of the fragrance of Christ in my life

- When I begin to feel or act as if my self-worth and acceptance is dependent on how well I perform

- When I am losing my grip on the reality of spiritual warfare.  Then I begin to treat my brother or my fellow human being as my enemy and seek to do battle with fleshly weapons

- When I act as if victory or success depends on me and my ability rather than on the adequacy of God and the power of the Holy Spirit

- When I place undue emphasis on programming and planning to the exclusion of His direction, leading and guidance

- When more time is spent in the "activities arena" than in the prayer closet

- When the praises of men and women become more important than the approval of God

- When relating to and caring for people is less important that programs, planning, meetings and budgets

- When I assume responsibility to worry and fret over things and people that God in His sovereignty and power would take charge of it (if I would allow Him to do so)

- When my rights become more important than God's will and way

(Dwight Hill)

Everything will be so good


I would be true for there are those who trust me;

I would be pure, for there are those who care;

I would be strong, for there is much to suffer;

I would be brave, for there is much to dare;

I would be friend of all - the poor, the friendless;

I would be giving and forget the gift;

I would be humble, for I know my weakness;

I would look up - and laugh, and love, and lift

(Author Unknown)

God's presence


- Develop personal discipline

- Put their confidence in God

- Keep the value of material possessions in perspective

- Recognize the danger of becoming a slave to pleasure

- Seek and refresh God's vision for their lives

(John Maxwell)