Wednesday 18 December 2013

Seasons change

We may change, but we can always count on God to be constant!


F-orgive you

R-espect you

I-nspire you

E-ncourage you

N-ourish you

D-efend you

S-upport you

(Nicky Gumbel)

All trials

Agreed :)


1. God first

2. Love one another

3. Never hate

4. Give generously

5. Live simply

6. Forgive quickly

7. Be kind always

(Nicky Gumbel)

The Kingdom of God is within you



1. Sikap kita terhadap suatu hal cenderung lebih penting dari hal itu sendiri (A.W. Tozer)

2.  Kebahagiaan tidak bergantung kepada hal-hal di sekeliling saya, tetapi kepada sikap saya.  Segala sesuatu dalam hidup saya akan bergantung kepada sikap saya (Alfred A. Montapert)

3. Cara tercepat untuk memperbaiki sikap orang lain adalah dengan memperbaiki sikap Anda (King Vidor)

4. Sikap anda, bukan kecerdasan Anda yang akan menentukan kemajuan Anda (Anonim)

5. Tuhan memilih apa yang harus kita alami; kita memilih bagaimana kita melewatinya (John Maxwell)

6. Faktanya adalah Anda menampilkan siapa diri Anda sebenarnya (Norman Vincent Peale)

7. Hidup bukanlah sebuah latihan drama (John Maxwell)

8. Orang yang pesimis adalah orang yang, bagaimanapun juga keadaannya saat ini, akan kecewa di masa mendatang (Anonim)

9. Jangan biarkan apa yang tidak dapat Anda lakukan mengganggu apa yang dapat Anda lakukan (John Wooden)

10. Kita tidak dapat terus-menerus bersikap dengan cara yang tidak konsekuen dengan cara kita melihat diri sendiri (Anonim)

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Do others see love?

God = Love
Christ inside of me, filling me with LOVE


1. Jika anda berpikir bahwa anda kalah, maka Anda kalah.  Jika anda berpikir bahwa Anda tidak berani, maka Anda tidak berani.  Jika Anda berpikir bahwa Anda tidak dapat menang, sudah hampir pasti bahwa Anda tidak akan menang.

2. Perjuangan-perjuangan hidup tidak selalu dimenangkan oleh orang yang lebih kuat atau yang lebih cepat.  Namun cepat atau lambat, orang yang menang adalah orang yang berpikir bahwa dia mampu

3. Orang yang berhasil adalah orang yang dapat meletakkan dasar yang kuat dengan batu-batu yang orang lain lemparkan kepadanya (David Brinkley)

4. Jika segala sesuatu sepertinya menjadi kacau, jangan ikut bingung (Roger Babson)

5. Anda sekarang berada di tempat di mana pemikiran Anda kemarin telah membawa Anda; besok Anda akan berada di tempat di mana pemikiran Anda sekarang membawa Anda (James Allen)

6. Menang bukanlah segalanya - namun upaya untuk menang adalah segalanya (Vince Lombardi)

7. Anda tidak akan pernah mencapai kesuksesan sejati kecuali Anda menyukai apa yang Anda kerjakan (Dale Carnegie)

8. Anda dan saya tidak melihat hal-hal sebagaimana hal-hal tersebut adanya.  Kita melihat hal-hal sebagaimana kita adanya (Herb Cohen)

9. Apakah Anda berpikir bahwa Anda mampu atau berpikir bahwa Anda tidak mampu Anda tetap benar (Henry Ford)

10. Saya telah mempelajari bahwa keberhasilan harus diukur bukan oleh kedudukan yang telah dicapai seseorang dalam hidupnya melainkan oleh rintangan-rintangan yang telah dilewatinya untuk berusaha menjadi berhasil (Booker T. Washington)

Everything is possible

Have faith!


Even when you are experiencing tough times, remember the blessings in your life.  It is like sprinkling sunshine on a cloudy day

When someone has a goal, most people point out the obstacles.  You be the one to point out the possibilities

We all like to be remembered for our best moments

Walk a different path.  Take a class.  Read something inspiring

Forgiveness is a blessing for the one who forgives as well as for the one who is forgiven

Exercise, eat a healthy diet, sing, and dance a little bit every day

The most fun is when the other person doesn't know who did it

Eat meals together, take walks, listen.  Share laughter and tears.  Make memories

You can wish someone joy and peace and happy things, but when you share your faith - you have wished them everything

(Alice Gray)

The grace of our Lord was poured out

How amazing is our God? :)


JUST FOR TODAY I will try to strengthen my mind by reading something that requires effort, thought, and concentration

JUST FOR TODAY I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out

JUST FOR TODAY I will do a task that needs to be done but which I have been putting off.  I will do it as an exercise in willpower

JUST FOR TODAY I will dress as becomingly as possible, talk low, act courteously, be liberal with praise, and criticize not one bit nor find fault with anything

JUST FOR TODAY I will have a quiet half hour all by myself and relax.  In this half hour sometime I will think of God so as to get more perspective in my life

JUST FOR TODAY I will be unafraid.  Especially, I will not be afraid to be happy, to enjoy what is beautiful, to love, and to believe that those I love, love me

(Author Unknown)

Thursday 12 December 2013

Keep trusting Him



1. Kesuksesan anda hanya sejauh sikap anda (John Maxwell)

2. Upah tertinggi dari kerja keras seseorang bukanlah apa yang dia peroleh dari kerja keras tersebut melainkan pengembangan dirinya (John Ruskin)

3. Semua impian dapat menjadi kenyataan andaikan kita memiliki keberanian untuk mewujudkannya (Walt Disney)

4. Di tengah-tengah kesulitan terdapat kesempatan (Albert Einstein)

5.  Apa yang ada di belakang kita dan apa yang ada di depan kita merupakan masalah-masalah sepele jika dibandingkan dengan apa yang ada di dalam kita (Walt Emerson)

6. Saya mungkin tidak mampu mengubah dunia yang saya lihat di sekeliling saya, namun saya dapat mengubah dunia yang saya lihat di dalam diri saya (Anonim)

7. Yang penting bukan apakah anda terjatuh, tetapi apakah anda bangkit kembali (Vince Lombardi)

8. Orang yang berhasil akan mengambil hikmat dari kesalahan-kesalahan yang dibuatnya dan mencoba lagi dengan cara yang berbeda (Dale Carnegie)

9. Sikap anda menentukan tindakan anda.  Tindakan anda menentukan keberhasilan anda (John Maxwell)

10. Kita tidak dapat mengatur arah angin....namun kita dapat mengatur layar kapal (Anonim)

Noise of the world



TO BE LOVED.....when lonely

TO BE PROTECTED.....when afraid

TO BE COMFORTED.....when hurting

TO BE FED.....when hungry

TO BE TAUGHT.....when confused

TO BE ENCOURAGED.....when downhearted

TO BE FILLED.....when empty

TO BE HEARD.....when crying

TO BE FOUND.....when lost

TO BE GIVEN HOPE.....when all seems dark

(Dr. Steve Stephens)

God will



The best day, today

The bestplay, work

The greatest puzzle, life

The greatest thought, God

The greatest mystery, death

The best work, work you like

The most ridiculous asset, pride

The greatest need, common sense

The most expensive indulgence, hate

The most disagreeable person, the complainer

The best teacher, the one who makes you want to learn

The greatest deceiver, the one who deceives himself

The worst bankrupt, the soul who has lost enthusiasm

The cheapest, easiest, and most stupid thing to do, finding fault

The greatest comfort, the knowledge that you have done your work well

The most agreeable companion, the one who would not have you any different than you are

The meanest feeling, being envious of another's success

The greatest thing in the world, love - for family, home, friend, neighbors


Saturday 7 December 2013

God has a purpose



Tidak ada tim American Football yang memiliki stadium kandang yang modern dengan rumput buatan, yang pernah memenangkan Super Bowl.  Stadium mereka begitu canggih, sehingga atapnya bisa ditutup untuk melindungi para pemain dan penonton dari panas, hujan dan salju; dan suhu di dalam stadium tersebutpun bisa diatur.  Stadium tersebut dibangun untuk melindungi para pemain dari lumpur, salju, angin keras, teriknya matahari, dan lain-lain, baik dalam latihan maupun dalam pertandingan.

Stadium yang modern tersebut rupanya memberikan kenyamanan bagi para pemain, dan malah mengurangi kegigihan, daya tahan dan mental untuk bertanding bagi para pemainnya.  Tim American Football lainnya yang tidak memiliki stadium kandang secanggih mereka malah bisa memenangkan Super Bowl.  Rupanya tim yang memiliki stadium yang biasa saja, tanpa atap yang bisa ditutup dan lain-lain, secara tidak langsung dilatih dalam kegigihan dan daya tahan mereka, sehingga akhirnya mereka bisa memenangkan Super Bowl.

Dalam kehidupan kita, Tuhan bisa membiarkan permasalahan atau kesukaran terjadi dalam kehidupan kita.  Mungkin Tuhan membiarkan kita mengalami kesukaran supaya kita tidak mengalami kenyamanan dan supaya kita memiliki kegigihan.  Kegigihan akan membuat kehidupan kita menjadi kuat, semakin bertumbuh dan semakin bergantung kepada Tuhan.  Dalam setiap kesukaran yang kita hadapi, biarlah kita bersyukur atasnya, dan percayalah akan rencana Tuhan yang sempurna yang akan membuat kita menjadi lebih kuat dan bertumbuh di dalam Dia.

"Sebab kamu tahu, bahwa ujian terhadap imanmu itu menghasilkan ketekunan.  Dan biarkanlah ketekunan itu memperoleh buah yang matang, supaya kamu menjadi sempurna dan utuh dan tak kekurangan suatu apa pun" (Yakobus 1:3-4)

Beauty within



Kasih adalah.....
Bergembira pada saat orang lain berbahagia
Bersedih untuk mereka yang bersedih.
Selalu bersama saat baik maupun susah.
Kasih adalah sumber kekuatan.

Kasih adalah.....
Jujur karena dirimu setiap waktu menceritakan,
mendengarkan kebenaran, dan tidak berpura-pura.
Kasih adalah sumber kejujuran.

Kasih adalah.....
Suatu pengertian sepenuhnya mengenai apa yang kau rasakan,
jika kau merupakan bagian orang lain.
Menerima orang lain sebagaimana adanya mereka
dan tidak mencoba untu mengubah mereka
menjadi sesuatu yang lain.
Kasih adalah sumber persatuan.

Kasih adalah.....
Kebebasan untuk mencapai keinginanmu
saat berbagi pengalaman dengan orang lain.
Pertumbuhan satu individu di sisimu
dan pertumbuhan bersama dengan individu lain.
Kasih adalah sumber kesuksesan.

Kasih adalah.....
Kedahsyatan dari angin topan,
ketenangan dalam pelangi.
Kasih adalah sumber dari adanya keinginan besar.

Kasih adalah.....
Memberi dan mengambil dalam situasi sehari-hari,
bersabar dengan setiap kebutuhan dan keinginan.
Kasih adalah sumber kebersamaan.

Kasih adalah.....
Mengetahui bahwa orang lain akan selalu bersamamu,
tanpa memandang apa yang terjadi.
Kehilangan orang lain pada saat mereka jauh
tetapi tetap dekat di hati tiap waktu.

Kasih adalah sumber dari keamanan.
Kasih adalah sumber hidup!

(Susan Polis Schutz)

Your love never fails



1. Make a homemade card with a picture of the two of you on the cover. Get ideas for a verse by spending a few minutes browsing through a card shop.

2. Write a poem. It doesn't have to rhyme.

3. Send a love letter listing the reasons "Why I love you so much."

4. Pledge your love for a lifetime. Write it on calligraphy or design it on a desktop computer and print it out on parchment paper and have it framed.

5. Plan a surprise lunch, complete with picnic basket, sparkling grape juice and goblets.

6. Bake a giant cookie and write "I love you" with heart shaped redhots or frosting. (Don't worry about the calories, it's not for eating!)

7. Make a coupon book and include coupons for a back rub, a compromise when about to lose an argument, a listening ear when needed, and doing the dishes when the other cooks.

8. Kidnap the car for a thorough washing and detailing.

9. Design your personal crest combining symbols that are meaningful to both of you.

10. Compose a love song.

11. Arrange for someone to sing a favorite love song to you and your love when you're together.

12. Call a radio station and have them announce a love message from you and make sure your love is listening at the right time.

13. Make a big sign such as: "I Love You, Kristi. Love, Joe" and put it in front of your house or her apartment complex for the world to see.

14. Buy favorite fruits that aren't in season, like a basket of strawberries or blueberries.

15. Hide little love notes in the car, a coat pocket, or desk.

16. Place a love message in the "personal" section of the classified ads in your local paper.

17. Florist flowers aren't the only way to say "I love you." Pluck a single flower and write a message about how its beauty reminds you of your love. For greater impact, have it delivered at work. 

18. Prepare a surprise candle light gourmet low-calorie dinner for two.

19. Write the story of the growth of your relationship from your perspective, sharing your emotions and your joys. What a treasure!

20. Make a paperweight from a smooth stone, paint it, and write a special love message on it.

21. Promise to change a habit that your love has been wanting you to change.

(Family Matters)

Thursday 5 December 2013

Trust in the Lord



When things go sour and you really feel lousy, do you have a friend you can tell?

Do you have a friend you can express any honest thought to without fear of appearing foolish?

Do you have a friend who will let you talk through a problem without giving you advise?  Who will just be a "sounding board"?

Will your friend risk your disapproval to suggest you may be getting off track in your priorities?

Do you have a friend who will take the risk to tell you that you are sinning?  Or using poor judgment?

If you have a moral failure, do you know that your friend would stand with you?

Is there a friend with whom you will you are facing life together?

Do you have a friend you believe you can trust, so if you share confidential thoughts they will stay confidential?

When you are vulnerable and transparent with your friend, are you convinced he or she will not think less of you?

Do you meet with a friend weekly or biweekly for fellowship and prayer, and possibly for accountability?

(Patrick M. Morley)

Put God first

so true ^^


Pada suatu saat waktu saya mau bertemu dan menjemput anak-anak saya di salah satu mall, saya memutuskan untuk membeli ice chocolate di Starbucks terlebih dahulu.  Pada waktu anak-anak saya melihat saya berjalan dan memegang Starbucks, mereka langsung berlari menghampiri saya, tapi rupanya mereka bukan langsung datang dan memeluk saya, mereka malah langsung mengambil Starbucks dari tangan saya dan meminumnya.  Pada saat itu, timbul suatu pertanyaan dalam hati saya, apakah mereka berlari menghampiri saya atau karena menginginkan Starbucks di tangan saya?  Rupanya jawabannya pada saat itu adalah mereka berlari menghampiri saya karena menginginkan Starbucks di tangan saya.

Mengingat kejadian tersebut, saya juga berpikir mengenai motivasi saya pada waktu saya mendekat atau mencari Tuhan, apakah karena saya ingin mendapatkan apa yang ada di tanganNya ataukah karena memang saya ingin dekat dengan pribadiNya?  Seringkali kita mencari Tuhan bukan karena ingin lebih dekat kepadaNya, tetapi karena kita ingin mendapatkan sesuatu dariNya.  Seperti peristiwa dengan anak saya, padahal kalau mereka datang dan menghampiri saya, sudah pasti saya akan membagikan Starbucks yang sedang saya pegang.

Peristiwa ini membuat saya memeriksa kembali motivasi saya pada waktu saya mencari Tuhan.  Jangan sampai kehidupan kita berfokus kepada apa yang bisa kita dapatkan dari Tuhan, tetapi berfokus untuk bisa mendekat dan menyenangkan hati Tuhan, dan secara pasti Tuhan akan selalu memelihara dan memenuhi setiap kebutuhan kita.

"Tuhan adalah baik bagi orang yang berharap kepadaNya, bagi jiwa yang mencari Dia" (Ratapan 3:25)


Tuesday 3 December 2013

Don't give up



DO YOU have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish each day?

DO YOU list tasks and appointments on your calender?

DO YOU have a few clear goal for each activity and project you are involved in?

DO YOU group similar tasks together to do at the same time?

DO YOU feel free not to read everything that crosses your desk?

DO YOU balance your time on projects so you don't require frenzied hours of overtime to finish?

DO YOU prioritize your tasks in order and stick to top-priority items?

DO YOU keep important references and supplies within arm's reach of your work area?

DO YOU give clear instructions to coworkers so they can take care of minor jobs without interrupting you?

DO YOU work on highly involved tasks when you feel the most alert?

DO YOU stop working when you feel fatigued?

DO YOU break large projects down into manageable pieces to finish one at a time?

DO YOU survey your long-term goals regularly?

(Alice Gray, Dr. Steve Stephens, John Van Diest)

No time for God?

Scariest thought ever.


B gracious

Know your chief asset and cultivate it

Never exaggerate

Do nothing to make you lose respect for yourself

Have strength of spirit

Work with good tools

Keep in mind the happy ending

To jog the understand is a greater feat than to jog the memory

Know how to refuse

Be alert when seeking information

Forestall evil gossip

Be generous in action

Have a just estimate of yourself

Attain and maintain a good reputation

Do not make a show of what you have

The shortest road to being somebody is to know whom to follow

Prepare yourself in good fortune, for the bad

Do not a business of a trivial

Never cry about your woes

Know the value of reconsideration

(Baltasar Gracian)

Prayer of contentment

YES :) Be the person God has made me to be~


INITIATIVE - being a self-starter with contagious energy

VISION - seeing beyond the obvious, claiming new objectives

UNSELFISHNESS - releasing the controls and glory

TEAMWORK - involving, encouraging, and supporting others

FAITHFULNESS - hanging in there in season and out

ENTHUSIASM - providing affirmation, excitement to the task

DISCIPLINE - modeling great character regardless of the odds

CONFIDENCE - representing security, faith, and determination

(Charles Swindoll)

Saturday 30 November 2013

Do what you love

For me, missions work!
I have a special place in my heart for Africa (specifically Uganda)!!


Do more than exist - LIVE

Do more than touch - FEEL

Do more than look - OBSERVE

Do more than read - ABSORB

Do more than hear - LISTEN

Do more than listen - UNDERSTAND

Do more than think - REFLECT

Do more than just talk - SAY SOMETHING

(Author Unknown)

The best relationship

Yep :)


1. I will no longer dwell on this incident

2. I will not bring up this incident again and use it against you

3. I will not talk to others about this incident

4. I will not allow this incident to stand between us or hinder our relationship

(Ken Sande)

Today is a gift

That is why today is called the Present :)
Every new day is a gift of God!


1. BE PASSIONATE - love what you do


3. EVERY DAY IS SPECIAL - make it the best it can be

4. 'NO' IS UNACCEPTABLE - don't stop there.  Go for 'yes'

5. CELEBRATE EXCELLENCE - make people feel important

6. THE GREATEST FAILURE IS NOT TO TRY - when you dream, wake up an do

(Jeffrey Gitomer)

Friday 29 November 2013

Humble yourselves

















(Emilie Barnes and Donna Otto)




Develop skills in areas like money management, public speaking, parenting, leadership, and others

Discover and develop passion

Find a life purpose

Build a clearer vision for the future

Develop a mission statement

Learn to manage change effectively

Learn to relate to people effectively

Find clear values

Build communication skills

Appraise performance

Get out of ruts and move forward

Learn to think and see things differently

Expand the capacity to take action

Get free of self-sabotaging behavior and destructive self-talk

Build better team

Build self-confidence

Find meaning in what one is doing

Get the courage to take risks

Learn to take responsibility

Develop a closer walk with God

(Gary Collins)

You will be amazed



1. Develop friendship in which you demand nothing in return

2. Nurture an authentic interest in others

3. Always take time - often a long time - to understand one another

4. Commit yourself to learning how to listen

5. Simply be there to care, whether you know exactly what to do or not

6. Always treat others as equals

7. Be generous with legitimate praise and encouragement

8. Make your friends Number One, preferring them above yourself

9. Emphasize the strengths and virtues of others, not their sins and weaknesses

(Dr. Ted Engstrom)

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Let Him



Hands to help others

Feet to hasten them to the poor and needy

Eyes to see misery and want

Ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men

(Augustine of Hippo)

Thank the Lord



Strives valiantly

Knows great enthusiasms and great devotions

Spend himself in a worthy cause

At best knows the triumph of high achievement

At the worst fails while daring greatly

(Theodore Roosevelt - the 26th President of the United States)




...represent the deepest and best within you.  It comes out of a solid connection with your inner life the fulfillment of your own unique gifts.  It is the expression of your unique capacity to contribute transcendent.  It is based on principles of contribution and purpose higher than self

...addresses and integrates...fundamental human needs and capacities.  It includes fulfillment in physical, social, mental, and spiritual dimension based on principles that produce quality-of-life results.  Both the end and the means are based on true principles with both vision-based and principle-based values.  It is not enough to have values without vision; you want to be good, but you also want to be good for something with all the significant roles in your life.  It represents a lifetime balance of persona, family, work, community - whatever roles you feel are yours to fill written to inspire you, not to impress anyone else.  It communicates to you and inspires you on the most essential level

(Hyrum W. Smith)

Tuesday 26 November 2013

God created your life

free-will :)


WE BELIEVE in living deeply, laughing often, and loving always

WE BELIEVE we were brought together to support and care for each other

WE BELIEVE in celebrating together - our faith, our heritage, our traditions

WE BELIEVE that everyone's feeling count and that the uniqueness of each of us strengthens all of us

WE BELIEVE in the power of forgiveness to heal and the power of love to carry us through

WE BELIEVE in one another, in this family, in this home

(Lisa O. Engelhardt)

Thank you Lord

Lord, You are THE Best!!


Setiap pagi hari ketika kau bangun,
kau mempunyai dua pilihan untuk hari ini.

Kau dapat memilih berada dalam suasana hati yang baik,
atau kau dapat memilih berada dalam suasana hati yang buruk...

Tiap saat sesuatu yang buruk dapat terjadi,
kau dapat memilih untuk menjadi korban keadaan
atau kau belajar dari keadaan tersebut.

Tiap saat seseorang dapat datang kepadamu untuk berkeluh kesah,
kau dapat memilih menerima keluh-kesah tersebut
atau mengatakan sesuatu tentang sisi positif dari hidup

Hidup adalah segala hal mengenai pilihan.  Pilihanmulah yang membuat hidupmu menjadi lebih hidup...


Thursday 21 November 2013

Dear Lord



- Never ask others to do what you, if challenged, would not be willing to do yourself

- Know your business - authority flows to the one who knows

- Lead by example

- Inspire others by encouraging them in times of difficulty or challenge

- Remind people of why they are working and striving

- Be firm and just in maintaining necessary order

- Show humanity, a basic empathy with people

- Above all, be there - at the right time and place

(Xenophon - Athenian soldier and author, 431-350 BC)

Life is a puzzle

A big puzzle that God can put together :)


- Don't take yourself so seriously

- Thank God for the little things

- Look for an opportunity to help other people

- Choose joy

- Look for the silver lining in every grey cloud

- Add humor to conflicts and difficulties

- Don't base happiness on outward circumstances

- Don't try to be perfect

- Don't be easily offended

- Laugh every chance you get

(Ken Davis)


Aku meminta kekuatan dari Tuhan,
agar aku berhasil dalam pekerjaanku.
Dibuatkan aku lemah,
agar aku belajar rendah hati dan taat.

Aku meminta kesehatan,
agar aku dapat melakukan hal-hal yang "lebih besar".
Diberinya aku kelemahan tubuh,
agar aku dapat melakukan hal-hal yang "lebih baik".

Aku meminta kekayaan,
agar aku lebih bahagia.
Diberinya aku kemiskinan,
agar aku lebih bijaksana.

Aku meminta kekuasaan,
agar aku dapat dipuja semua orang.
Diberinya aku kelemahan,
agar aku merasa kebutuhan akan Tuhan.

Aku meminta semua hal,
agar aku dapat menikmati hidup.
Diberinya aku hidup,
agar aku dapat menikmati semua hal.

Aku tidak mendapat sesuatu pun yang aku minta.
Tetapi mendapat semua yang aku butuhkan.
Bertentangan dengan keinginanku,
doa-doaku yang tidak terucapkan dijawab

Di antara semua orang,
aku diberkati dengan melimpah


Thursday 14 November 2013

Because He lives



Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated

Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out

Be kinder than necessary

Be open and accessible.  The next person you meet could become your best friend

Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed

Seek out the good in people

Never allow a friend to grieve alone

Be there when people need you

Practice empathy.  Try to see things from other people's points of view

Look for opportunities to make people feel important

When you receive a kindness, pass it on

Be the first to say hello

(H. Jackson Brown Jr. and Rochelle Pennington)

A kind word



Say "I love you" several times a day

Tell her often that she is beautiful

Kiss her several times a day

Hug her several times a day

Put your arm around her often

Hold her hand while walking

Come up behind her and hug her

Always sit by her when possible

Rub her feet occasionally

Give her a massage occasionally

Always open doors for her

Always help her with her chair

Ask her opinion when making decisions

Show interest in what she does

Take flowers to her unexpectedly

Plan a surprise night out

Ask if there are things you can do for her

Show affection in public places

Serve her breakfast in bed

Train yourself to think of her first

Show her you are proud to be her husband

Train yourself to be romantic

Write a love note on a bathroom mirror

Call during the day to say "I love you"

Always call and tell her if you will be late

Let her catch you staring lovingly at her

Tell her she is your "greatest claim to fame"

Let her hear you thank God for her

(Kerby Anderson)

Love never gives up

Yes :)


Pray for your husband daily

Show him you love him unconditionally

Tell him you think he is the greatest

Show him you believe in him

Do not talk negatively to him or about him

Give him adoring looks

Show him that you enjoy being with him

Listen to him when he talks with you

Hug him often

Kiss him tenderly and romantically at times

Fix his favorite meal at an unexpected time

Demonstrate your dedication to him in public

Do things for him that he does not expect

Show others you are proud to be his wife

Rub his back, legs, and feet

Stress his strengths, not his weaknesses

Do not try to mold him into someone else

Revel in his joys, share his disappointments

Show him your favorite times are with him

Show him you respect him more than anyone else

Do not give him reason to doubt your love

Leave "I love you" notes in unexpected places

Give him your undivided attention often

Tell him he is your "greatest claim to fame"

Let him hear you thank God for him

(Kerry Anderson)

Monday 11 November 2013

Better or bitter



Deepen your faith

Teach patience

Develop maturity

Build wisdom

Force you to pray

Remind you of what is truly important


There is hope



A Friend....

Accept you as you are
Believes in you
Calls you just to say "hi"
Doesn't give up on you
Envisions the whole of you, even the unfinished parts
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over to...
Just "be" with you
Keeps you close at heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life
Never judges
Offers support
Picks you up
Quiets your fears
Raises your spirits
Says nice things about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understand you
Values you
Walks beside you
X-plains when you won't listen
Zaps you back to reality

(Author Unknown)

Learning to wait on God





- Stay away from hurts...only you!

- If you are right then there is no need to get angry

- And if you are wrong then you don't have the right to get angry

- Patience with family is love

- Patience with others is respect

- Patience with self is confidence, and

- Patience with God is faith

- Never think hard about the past, it brings tears

- Don't think more about the future, it brings fear

- Live this moment with a smile, it brings cheers

- Every test in our life makes us bitter or better

- Every problem comes to make us or break us

- The choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious

- Beautiful things are not always good but good things are always beautiful

- Do you know why God created gaps between fingers?

- So that someone who is special to you comes and fills those gaps by holding your hand forever

- Happiness keeps you sweet...but being sweet brings happiness...

Friday 8 November 2013

You can't please everybody

True dat!


1. Set your goals high

2. Deal with growing pains

3. Find the right role models

4. The world is not always fair

5. Don't be afraid to fail

6. Have a strong supporting cast

7. Be serious, but have fun

8. Think before you act

9. Be a leader, follow the leader

10. Life is a daily challenge

(Derek Jeter)

Before you quit, try



I'd finger paint more, and point the finger less

I'd do less correcting, and more connecting

I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes

I would care to know less, and know to care more

I'd take more hikes and fly more kites

I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play

I'd run through more fields, and gaze more stars

I'd do more hugging, and less tugging

I would be firm less often, and affirm much more

I'd build self esteem first, and the house later

I'd teach less about the love of power, and more about the power of love

(Diane Loomans)

Thursday 7 November 2013

Let go



The most destructive habit..........worry

The greatest

The greatest loss..........self-respect

The most satisfying work..........helping others

The most ugliest personality traits..........selfishness

The most endangered species..........dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource..........our youth

The greatest medicine..........encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome..........fear

The most effective sleeping pill..........peace of mind

The most crippling failure disease..........excuses

The most powerful force in

The most dangerous outcast..........a gossip

The world most incredible computer..........the brain

The worst thing to be without..........hope

The deadliest weapon..........the tongue

The two most power-filled words.........."I can"

The greatest

The most worthless emotion..........self-pity

The most beautiful attire..........a smile

The most prized possession..........integrity

The most powerful channel of communication..........prayer

The most contagious spirit..........enthusiasm


Having a rough day?

Yay (:


1. Courage is not the absence of fear - it is inspiring others to move beyond it

2. Lead from the front, but don't leave your base behind

3. Lead from the back - and let others believe they are in front

4. Know your enemy - and learn about his favorite sport

5. Keep your friend close - and your rivals even closer

6. Appearances matter - and remember to smile

7. Nothing is black or white

8. Quitting is leading too

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Who am I, God?

I am Your child♥ forever~


Marriage is a thousand little things...

It is giving up your right in the heat of an argument...

It is forgiving another when they let you down...

It is loving someone enough to step down so they can shine...

It is friendship...

It is being a cheerleader and trusted confidant...

It is a place of forgiveness that welcomes one home...

It is arms they can run to in the midst of a storm...

It is grace...

(Darlene Schacht)

A big mountain to move



Ok, girls, let us get one thing straight - there is a BIG difference between a Christian guy and a man of God.

A Christian guy might say he loves you
A man of God will love God more than he loves you

A Christian guy may text you Bible verses, or have them tattooed on his body
A man of God will live out those verses and have them written on his heart

A Christian guy might go to church faithfully
A man of God will live out his highest calling to faithfully glorify the name of Christ

A Christian guy might "accidentally" compromise your virtues
A man of God will protect your virtue as the treasure that it is

A Christian guy might be super good-looking
A man of God will have a beautiful heart, regardless of his outward appearance

A Christian guy might take you out on dates
A man of God will hold you up in his prayers daily

Do not settle for just a Christian guy.  Wait for a man of God
Long to be the kind of woman of God who will attract a man of God


Thursday 31 October 2013




TO LIVE CONTENT with small means

TO SEEK ELEGANCE rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion

TO BE WORTHY, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich

TO STUDY HARD, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly

TO LISTEN TO STARS and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart

TO BEAR ALL cheerfully, do all bravely await occasions, hurry never,

IN A WORD to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common

This is to be my symphony

(William Henry Channing)

I admit



Janganlah khawatir akan hari esok

Yang ada adalah selalu hari ini

Kemarin telah berlalu, entah ke mana, tak seorangpun yang dapat menjelaskannya

Tiap menit hidupmu adalah berharga, buatlah hal tersebut menjadi bermakna

Tidak ada saat lain; selalu saat ini, hanya saat ini

Hanya saat inilah kesempatan emas, saat yang pantas untuk dibela

Hanya saat ini, dimulai tanpa awal.  Hanya saat inilah tidak pernah berakhir

Jangankan khawatir akan hari esok, karena hari inilah yang harus kau isi

Dengan semua yang benar dan mulia

Dan, waktu untuk itu adalah - SAAT INI



May I become at all times, both now and forever
A protector for those without protection
A guide for those who have lost their way
A ship for those with oceans to cross
A bridge for those with rivers to cross
A sanctuary for those in danger
A lamp for those without light
A place of refuge for those who lack shelter
And a servant to all in need.


Wednesday 30 October 2013




TRUST in His timing

RELY on His promises

WAIT for His answer

BELIEVE in His miracles

REJOICE in His goodness

RELAX in His presence

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in HIM."
(Psalms 34:8)

Faith is taking the first step



Through life, comes good, comes bad
Things make us happy and make us sad
People give out love, but also hate
Those that share love are closes mates

At times in life we feel unappreciated
And that all people are filled with hatred
We could hold grudges but what are they worth
Feelings of bitterness whilst we live on this earth

Forgive and forget the mistakes people make
We have fallen guilty to giving less then we take
Share love, laughter and positive feelings
And you will begin to see that life is worth living!


I love you, Lord

Oh yes :)


1. Love your job if you wish to do it well

2. Do what commons sense dictates

3. Follow the laws of nature

4. A leader should have vision

5. Dreams should be shared

6. Management is perpetual creation

7. Don't assume that something is "impossible"

8. Transparent management fosters growth

9. Employ "dam management" to ensure steady growth

1o. Bad times have their bright sight

(Konosuke Matsushita - founder of Panasonic)

Thursday 24 October 2013




LUKE 19:10“For the Son of man came to seek and save those who are lost.” — He’s more than a SUPERMAN because He is GOD♥


Guru terbaik adalah pengalaman

Warisan terbaik adalah kebiasaan baik

Rekreasi terbaik adalah bekerja

Hikmat terbaik adalah takut akan Tuhan

Musibah terbesar adalah keputusasaan

Keberanian terbesar adalah kesabaran

Kehormatan terbesar adalah kesetiaan

Sumbangan terbesar adalah berpartisipasi

Harta keluarga terbesar adalah anak yang berbakti

Harta negara terbesar adalah pejabat yang setia dan jujur

Dosa terbesar adalah penyangkalan dan ketakutan

Modal terbesar adalah kemandirian

Kasih terbesar adalah pengorbanan

Karunia terbesar adalah keselamatan


The reason why God blesses you



1. Lead without saying a word

2. Think like a plumber

3. Hire people smarter than you

4. Use social media to make you better

5. Give up control (once you get it)

6. Keep your knee locked

7. Connect to happiness

8. Declare your principles (loudly)

9. Love's got everything to do with it

10. Don't lose your professional skepticism
