Friday, 28 June 2013


Not everyone is ready to accept the fact that the best is yet to be. This is true for a number of reasons.

1. Some are content to live in the past. They delight in the "good old days."

2. Many are content to live mediocre lives. They are content to drift from day to day.

3. Insecurity hinders many persons from believing that the best is yet to be. They want to hold on to their position or things. They will never know the excitement of launching out by faith, or waiting for the great things of tomorrow.

4. Negative thinking guides the decisions and attitudes of many people. They choose to accept the premise that the worst is yet to come. They will get what they wish for if they are not careful.

5. Scores have no goals for their lives. They don't know where they are going today, much less tomorrow.

6. A few think they don't have any needs. They are pleased with the way things are in their lives (Rev 3:17). There is always room for improvement in everyone's life.

7. Fear is always a major enemy to progress. It also hinders a person from becoming excited about the future (2Tim 1:7).

(Author Unknown)

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